How do you fix issues related to Wi-Fi connections?


How do you fix issues related to Wi-Fi connections?


Almost every Roku player requires a proper Internet connection to stream all the available content. Well, there are two causes beneath the problem where you may enter the incorrect password for your Wi-Fi. Or else there may be an issue with the router. If you see that the problem is arising even after you give  the right data, then there are several other reasons for this error to happen


"Unable to connect to the Wi-Fi Network"


At times, the above message would appear and create unnecessary havoc. For solving this issue, you have to contact the Internet service provider to sort out the issues. First of all, you will need to connect the Roku player to a proper network. Create a genuine username and password to avoid unnecessary conflicts in the way. If there is no Internet connection, you cannot use the Roku device at any cost

The Fix


  • Initially, you will be directed to the screen where you can connect the Wi-Fi network for your device
  • Then select the connection you use at home and link your Roku by entering the right Wi-Fi password
  • When the device gets connected, you will get a positive indication that the Roku device has been successfully linked to the internet
  • Also, check the quality of the Internet connection and if the Signal strength is excellent, then no worries you can start streaming without any interruptions

You can also reset the Roku player by choosing the factory reset option and your preferences will get eliminated. But the factory reset proves to be an effective measure

Contact the toll-free number of the Roku support team +1-844-581-4357 to clear off all your issues related to wi-fi connection or Activation.